Bone Mats

I’ve been decertified,
does that make me maamified?.

From the labia to the grave.

Back when I was a celery,
I got a salary for stalking.

Sausage – sawing a wise man in half.

The Dandelion crayon color has been discontinued.
Not surprised, I made dandelion wine out of them
and it didn’t taste good at all.

I’d have to be diculous
before I could be ridiculous.

How many Pattys to make a Pattycake?

If you put wheels on a burro
you’d have a real wheelburro.

Well tarnish my gloss.

I used to run caravans cross the Wasabi Desert.
Boy was it was hot !!!

I played insight, then tried outsight.

“Damn you Samuel Daniel” pops into my brain
every time I hear his name of short line rhyme.

It’s hard to unlock a door with a key lime cake.

There’s a new disease hitting vampires
called suckle cell anemia.

My foster foster parents are my real folks.

Tried to charge my fone
but my credit card wouldn’t fit in the charge slot.

Every spring on the farm
I’d wait for the appellation trees to ripen
along the Appalatian Trail.
It was appalling.

Too much surrealism… not enough maamrealism.

– Smith, 9.14.2017

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