fotot by smith

from a 1998 brain scan study on the differences between women and men (not to worry, women win…. basically women are wired to nurture life, while men want to kill stuff):

>Women use more of their brains:  “when a male puts his mind to work, neurons turn on in highly specific areas.  When females set their minds on similar tasks, so many brain cells light up that our brain scans look like a night view of Las Vegas…the female’s thicker corpus callosum allows more crosstalk between emotional, intuitive right hemisphere & rational left.”

> Female brains respond more intensely to emotion:  “The differences were so huge I hesitated to report them…melancholy feelings activated neurons in an area 8 times larger in women than men…the female brain also detects others’ emotions more accurately…men had a much harder time recognizing sadness, especially in women.” 

> The female brain is wired for expression, not aggression:  “when studied in states of relaxation, men idle in the evolutionarily ancient reptilian areas of the limbic system which give rise to unsubtle active expressions of emotions like aggression and violence, while women rest in a newer higher region related to symbolic forms of expression like gestures and words”.

> The female brain is twice as sensitive to sound, half as sensitive to light: “Women can hear whispers & whimpers that never even register on a man.”

> Female memory sharper: “At every age, women’s memory outperforms men.”

> Women notice more, navigate differently:  “men are best at 3-D, women excell at disembedding; men see direction & distance while women see landmarks.”

we all walk on water. we are all all wet. which in its own way is wonderful. it turns the curse of textbook times into sufi punch lines. soft pie in the face no disgrace rather place of honor.

so sayeth this book of fool.

One Response

  1. added for poet-ick jack by me cuz hiz computer is jackless…

    Robert Bly, I think it was, pointed out that a woman’s idea of intimacy is face to face, a man’s, shoulder to shoulder. The women must be right. I was never able to get very intimate with my woman when we were shoulder to shoulder.

    Peace and Blessings

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