Cosmic Lady – foto Smith

This is a roundabout invitation to an open mic poetry and talk potluck get together this Saturday afternoon.

My wife is trying to save the world. And all Her inhabitants. Literally. And Reality knows Mother Earth could use some help.

But Lady figures to handle the big problems — global warming, health, hunger, happiness — we’ll need everyone involved regardless of class color gender nationality or power to make it work . . . which is hard to do when we’re all pointing fingers and yelling at each other.

So she started from the bottom up.

She changed her self in basic be the change you want to see belief. She became a vegetarian; walks or bicycles whenever possible so not to use gas and pollute; buys used goods at thrift stores; supports local business and unionized stores, buys cage-free eggs, moved our money from bad Big Bank to local one which invests in the community; she’s become an avid activist, has fed the Occupy Cleveland Public Square info tent breakfast-for-four every morning since last October, donates time to the Sierra Club and IRTF and multiple others, got the homeless newspaper to publish again . . . (I could go on but she hasn’t paid me yet).

Now she’s debugging the next step of the problem: how to get folk to stop shouting and start talking to each other . . . getting all the various factions fractions frictions frissons of the 99% as well as the 1% to realize it’s going to take 100% of us to stop befouling our nest beyond redemption.

So Lady K is starting a monthly poetic dialogue to try to heal the rift in our communities between the citizens and its leaders. It is to be a monthly gathering, everyone welcome, possibly changing venues each month from from community to community.

Her basic premise is if we don’t start talking, we won’t start solving.

Here’s the P.R. for her first gathering.

Saturday April 21, 2012 from 2-5 PM
“Introducing Ourselves”

2555 Euclid Heights Blvd.
(in basement of St. Alban Episcopal Church)

Open mic poetry, refreshments and roundtable introductions. Theme of the evening: “Introducing Ourselves”– however you might wish to interpret this.

Please feel free to bring some food and poetry to share. We will meet again in May; stay tuned for venue and theme info!


How can all become less estranged, and more part of the community?

We welcome you to participate in a series of events featuring poetry, discussion and food. The impetus for this series is a drive to improve the relationship and understanding between people who are leading and policing our communities and all people who live in the communities to minimize violence and to work better together on solving problems.

Here are some of the immediate problems we’d like to work on solving/discussing:

1 — Incidents have occurred such as misuse of force/misuse of authority/improper training on the part of some police officers and other members of the community. Some in our community have been stopped and harassed by for no apparent reason, and like in the case of Trayvon Martin, some children have even been harmed.

2 — Too much polarization, not enough togetherness

3 — Not enough working together on common community issues

Addressing and helping solve these social issues can help us work together on some of the other big issues–economic and environmental–at which we will be more effective addressing together. We hope to see you here!

Lady on today’s Tax Day Protest March – foto Smith

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