poetic inspiration
A tarantella is a dance,
while a tarantula is a spider.
If I get the latter on me,
I do the former.
– Smith, 4.30.2014
There, that may do it, I’ve written and posted a poem a day for 7 months, 212 days. Will keep writing a daily poem just to see how long I can stretch my record, but not always posting because it’s time for something else.
Here’s a video of last Saturday’s Writing Knights Press poetry reading. Starting at the one minute mark, I read 9 minutes of Lady because she was sick and couldn’t be at Mac’s Backs, followed by 20 minutes of me — youtube.com/watch?v=2IioY7nATJY&feature=share&list=UUtZdSsHhVd2aLqF7VlPqqgw&index=1.
Watching this I see I need to work on performance pizazz because I’m not interesting enough. Also realize I shouldn’t read 16 brand new poems in a row because I don’t know how to read them yet, so for next Monday night’s reading at Mahall’s I’ll intersperse a few classics.

processing a poem a day