Camp Serpent Mound, Southern Ohio

Serpent Mount, Peebles, Ohio

Camp Serpent Mound, Southern Ohio

Fireflies light night,
wood fire down to glowcoal,
quiet all around.

Campfire coffee and
open fire egg and bagel
after pre-dawn toke.

Fireflies go dark
a full five seconds between
each moment of light.

Early morning rain
hitting overlapping leaves,
mostly missing me.

Five Crows spread their tails
in Spockian “V” and fly
after mocking me.

Walk round Serpent Mound
quarter mile raised earthwork snake,
touch the bidden ground.

– Smith, 6.30.2014

Serpent Mount, Peebles, Ohio

Conversation with Wife 4

Lady K Lady K Lady K

Conversation with Wife 4

She comes in, stops,
“I smell burning weed.”

Must be autumn leaves smoldering outside our window.

“It’s spring, not autumn.”

Oh, well, you know, people get confused,
burn autumn leaves end of spring,
it’s because of daylight savings time,
they’re not sure if they’re spinning forward
or falling back.

“Do you admit smoking?”

Actually I don’t, the fire and grass smoke,
I just bask in their collaboration.

“Aren’t you ever wrong?”

Admitted wrong once but was really right
so wrong once about being wrong once
hence wrong’s right.

– Smith, 6.29.2014

on the ball

Buddha buddy sez

Lady’s out running 20 miles in her marathon training. Couple years ago we wrote on a “What We Want To Do Before We Die” wall and she said “Run a marathon.” So she’s going to do it. She’s run two half marathons, and did 18 miles in training two weeks ago. So today’s 20 only leaves 6.2 miles to go. When she runs her first private training marathon, I’m coming along on my bicycle and camera.

Shelf Portrait

This me old me fails,
new me not ready to sail
after mythic whale.

Though wet, small and cold
still manage to hold my own,
not quite clown nor clone.

Only question here
how does one outpace one’s fear
heading for the clear?

Bigger me inside
so need to make prison break,
head for higher mind.

Buddha buddy sez:
we all own our own footstep,
print is up to us.

– Smith, 6.28.2014

Love the cyber highway. Wrote the poem predawn yesterday, posted it, turned it into lyrics after breakfast, recorded it after lunch, read the poem at last night’s Shoreway Poets reading, and posted the song after sundown . . . daaaytripper, we’ve got a ticket to ride.

Click here to hear Welcome On In, 2:13,Peter Ball music, mix, and recording with me word and voice.

Welcome On In (the song)

We’re shipping empty boxes
one for every gland
and you can lend a hand
o damn this grand ellipsis
of foxes guarding pen
we have so little order
losing lesser larder
so we spin ‘n grin it
the suitboys putting non cents in
we really have to slip this is.

A food for every hunger.
A heart for every need.
A hug for every sadness.
This is plead to seed.

We really have to slip the
suitboys putting non cents in
instead we spin ‘n grin it
losing lesser larder
in our lack of order
the foxes guard the chicken pen
there is no grand ellipsis
we need to lend a hand
one for every gland
or else we’re shipping empty boxes again.

A hug for every sadness
A heart for every plead.
A food for every hunger.
This is need to seed.

– Smith, 6.13.2014

Welcome On In

which way?

Online ads have upped their aggression – many now hide the stop button so you cannot stop them or turn the sound off. Others wait a minute after you’ve clicked on the site so you’re down in the middle of the article before they start their obnoxious dump so you have to scramble about the page to see where the lies are coming from. A third ad cheat is when they give you an X to close it but cheat and take you to their product instead.

They need to realize there are folk like me who when exposed to that type of uncivilized behavior add that product name to their never-buy list. You don’t win me as a consumer by being sleazy.

~ ~ ~

Welcome On In

We’re shipping empty boxes
one for every gland
and you can lend a hand
to help us plan our grand ellipsis
of foxes guarding chicken pen
we have so little order
are losing lesser larder
so we spin ‘n grin it
as suitboys put their non cents in.

We really have to slip this.

A food for every hunger.
A heart for every need.
A hug for every sadness.
This is plead to seed.

– Smith, 6.27.2014

I’m featuring tonight at the Shoreway Poets Gypsy Bean & Baking Company reading, 6:30pm, open mic after . . . June 27, 2014, 6425 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH, (216) 939-9009, southeast corner of Detroit and W 65th. hosted by Marian Anzalone.

please clean up after your human



Still got pain, anxiety,
like a sheath of paper I bend over
with self-absorbed accounting

Simultaneously wrangling with it like
a barbed trap, yet denying its call
to be acknowledged

Forgetting being with
largely oblivious to the
circulating lovingness

The circulating lovingness of the
amniotic swish, the universe
around me

something that caresses,
like a cat’s tail touching my legs

A voice welcomed
like the savior of forgiving nutrition

Like being with and spreading open,
laying out my pain and healing it
with breathing air

Working on developing habits, relief
opening the sheath to let my tension dry out

Opening it
taking the stress
in my heart, my throat, my everything–
all that’s on the sheath–

I’m spreading it out
to let in relief

Not heroin in terms of being a numbed spectator

Rather, a lubricated spectator with
the aspirin of awareness

A sieve that soothes both its contents
and what goes through it

Grace of encountering
remembering, good habit,
applying learning,
being with

~ Lady


Posting tomorrow’s poem tonight because I might lose laptop for couple days since Lady’s laptop crashed and she may need mine to do her paid webwork.

Bit of a slog right now – $700 put into the car yesterday for front end wheel bearings, $300 last month for muffler, computer costs coming up, more out than in in the old American way. Be smoking Carl’s $8 legal herb mix for awhile


Help earth peace:
more vagina, less penis.

– Smith, 6.26.2014

I’m featuring Friday at the Shoreway Poets Gypsy Bean & Baking Company reading, 6:30pm, open mic after . . . June 27, 2014, 6425 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH, (216) 939-9009, southeast corner of Detroit and W 65th. hosted by Marian Anzalone.

Carl’s Legal Sleepytime Smoking Blend

Carl’s Legal Sleepytime Smoking Blend

Due no dough ray me
I’ve sunk below seeds and stems
to inexpensive legal blend
of California poppy, catnip,
damiana, mugwort, mullein, sage,
uva ursi, yerbe santa,
down from $140-$840 illegal ounce
to $8 for minor buzz
with gentle soothe of legal ooze
but not as good as grass or hash
plus clogs the pipe
and coughs the lung
and makes me yearn for young.

– Smith, 6.25.2014

I’m featuring Friday at the Shoreway Poets Gypsy Bean & Baking Company reading, 6:30pm, open mic after . . . June 27, 2014, 6425 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH, (216) 939-9009, southeast corner of Detroit and W 65th. hosted by Marian Anzalone.



I’m featuring Friday at the Shoreway Poets Gypsy Bean & Baking Company reading, 6:30pm, open mic after . . . June 27, 2014, 6425 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH, (216) 939-9009, southeast corner of Detroit and W 65th. hosted by Marian Anzalone.


Night sky growls
flashes lightning
rumbles rain
licks leaves with wet water wind
humidity clasps me to its slick bosom.

Tire swish outside window
ghost cars going to get gone
gone to get going.

Stuff has gone before
stuff’ll go again
don’t know what except this:

There is no resolution
no final score alive
and maybe not after
at least this side divide
no retire lay back jack
condense one’s knowledge
mull mine experience
pass on good bad.

We’re all temporary grouping
continuous happening
radiating all directions
and none
each of us screen and projector
writer, director, star
extra, thief, and cross
paying to sit in dark
munching psychocom and coma
booing hissing rooting ourselves on
not knowing we are what we’re watching
thinking we are something else.

– Smith, 6.24.2014

rabbit at rest



From seed to stalk
through dirt and dark
to green and light and bloom
of when a flower walks in the room
and kisses eye to ease the spirit’s cry.

– Smith, 6.23.2014

I’ll be the featured poet Friday at the North Shore Poets reading at Gypsy Bean & Baking Company, 65th & Detroit, Cleveland Ohio, 6:30, open mic to follow. 6425 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102
(216) 939-9009

Lady has issues with the city, in this case her summer 2014 issue of City Poetry at which she posted last night featuring the art and poetry of Jeffry Chiplis, Steve Thomas, Kristen Tenzek, Russell Vidrick, John Swain, Ashley Bovan, Maxwell Shell, Terry Provost, Kevin Eberhardt, Meribeth Hutto, Kate Lamberg, Bree, pmpope, Sandy Eberhardt, Adam Brodsky, me, and editor/publisher Lady K.

A fine issue visually and verbally available just in time to help shape your summer flow.




Bird looking to feed
but worm is aching to plead,
which the greater need?

– Smith, 6.22.2014

Lady’s latest seasonal service to Sister Earth is a summer solstice reading at Heron Boardwalk, outdoors in the MetroPark unless weather herds us into the nature center. Today, Sunday 2:30pm – 4:00pm —

Lady has issues with the city, in this case her summer 2014 issue of City Poetry at which she posted last night featuring the art and poetry of Jeffry Chiplis, Steve Thomas, Kristen Tenzek, Russell Vidrick, John Swain, Ashley Bovan, Maxwell Shell, Terry Provost, Kevin Eberhardt, Meribeth Hutto, Kate Lamberg, Bree, pmpope, Sandy Eberhardt, Adam Brodsky, me, and editor/publisher Lady K.

A fine issue visually and verbally available just in time to help shape your summer flow.

pull for answer