Lady K reading at Snoetry #5, Erie PA

Once again, daily poem and blog have little to do with each other, though both involve visceral body excitements.

Doo Wop

Do whop the noodle
do wham the clam
mix it with strudel
jam it in can
safe beneath covers
parts funk as folk may
renews us as lovers
in sweet slimy sway
surfaces slippery
though bonding in now
the future iffery
but time slides somehow
as sweet sweating plan
renumbers the clan.

– Smith, 1.24.2015

Leaving Snoetry 5 in Erie PA last night, we came upon two crashed cars on 79 with flashing police lights. I hit the brakes on a road covered in black ice, did not slow down at all and kept sliding toward the crashed car. I glanced into the mirror, saw no cars coming and managed to slide the car to the right so I just missed the crashed car, and felt a flash of relief only to see we were now heading right at the rear of the cop car. Glanced both ways and saw a slim space between the front of one crashed car and the back of the cop car so turned the wheel and managed to slide left between them and we continued on down the road, the screams and shouts of my wife and passenger poets now silenced in amazement . . . and I’ve three witnesses to it all — poets Wendy Shaffer, Krystal Sierra, and Lady K. It was a nasty drive back to Cleveland last night . . . took at least an hour longer because we were averaging between 31 and 40 mph on the freeway for a good while.

The adrenaline rush was incredible, and the whole thing was over before I could get scared because I was too busy steering, checking lanes, trying to decide where the next empty space was – it took less than 30 seconds. So fast, so magical . . . I cannot believe the way fortune smiles on me at times, saving me from myself.

I don’t know how, but when I see serious damage coming at me way too fast, my subconscious takes over and makes the least damaging decisions faster than I can think . . . I’ve experienced this repeatedly along the way, each time amazed my body does stuff without me.

Snoetry 5, left side of room

One Response

  1. Wow ~ I think Mother Dwarf put you in a bubble and somehow got you through. Incredible. That ability to slow down reality and see with complete clarity is something the yogis can do at will ~ the rest of us have to be on the edge of the precipice, which is where you were dancing last night. Black ice is always bad news ~ am glad everyone is OK ~ could have been very nasty. Sh-boom sh-boom.

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