Smith reporting via Lady K.’s laptop . . .

We camped 3 days 2 nights at Erie Bluffs in Perry Ohio. Thought why travel 3 hours to camp in Pennsylvania when we’ve these sites closer. This section of the Lake County Metro Parks has just one campsite, one single campsite, on a bluff overlooking Lake Erie immediately to the north.

This morning setting at the campfire looking out over the fresh morning lake we see our first bald eagle fly just above our campsite eye line. I took my writing pad, camera, toke, small cedar 5-note Indigenous American flute, and the small hardback Beat Poets to the table on the edge of the bluff to watch while Lady jogged, and the eagle flew by three more times. Have distant fotos if my computer returns.

Status Report 87

Camp in near wood
high bluff Lake Erie
dirt water sky

1st flying eagle
white feather brown feather white
six to eight foot wings

sky, bird, water riding the horizon

me: Fire. Water. Earth. Air.
she: Men. Women.
me: And hot campfire cocoa.

the situation caused the situation

ant empire brought to naught
as new flame licks old log

it’s hard to be fire . . .
you consume yourself,
then go out

fire lives to burn,
burns to die,
the ember coal of the fire king

I take a toke to the dawn
a toke to the sea
a toke for friends
a toke for me

campfire light
rising sun light
inner light

fire eats wood
water eats fire
light eats dark
heat frees water

watch the shadow smoke rise
up log to where the eagle flies

halfmoon sky
lone bird fly
sunplunk sea
light lessen be
day is done

owl hoots in holler
frogs sing in tree

– Smith 9.24.2015

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