
Standing in checkout line at Kohl’s, I pick up the product in the foto above and tell Lady, “They have a vagina for sale.,” then look at how large it is and see the S, “and this is a small!” and we lose it, unstoppable laughter in line.

Goes along with dream two nights ago.

Detached Genital 2016.5.30 – Cleveland

My genitals were separated from my body, penis and scrotum a single unit I was carrying around in the left front pocket of my jeans, giving a whole new meaning to lefty or righty.

I took them out while in a dark basement room to photograph and set them down on the filthy work bench, getting grit and grease embedded in the ball sack. Tried to brush the grime off but it wouldn’t come, so I washed and scrubbed them with a brush and hung them to dry on a hooked old bent wire hanging down, waiting for them to dry so I could take a couple art photos for my blog.

I went for a walk with a group of people out in the woods while they dried, and forgot about them. After awhile I remembered and began worrying someone would find them, maybe even steal or throw them away, but pretty sure I was safe because they were in a dirty old unsed basement room in an abandoned brick school no one ever used. Woke before I got back to the basement.

Even I can see psychological implications.

There was no pain, no blood, no jagged edges, no worry, no trauma, just me thinking they would make a great photo, and I tried a couple shots but they wouldn’t hang right, so I sat them down
on the dirty work bench to try another angle to photograph and got them grimy.

I never thought to look at my groin to see what it looked like without genitals.

Just call me Ken BarbieDoll.

Of course as soon as I woke I flashed on King Missile’s song Detachable Penis, except this was the whole shebang.

~ ~ ~

Mob Machine

I’ve gambled in Las Vegas
when I helped my parents move there.
It was funny non-gambling.

My brother and I in a laundromat
discovered the slot machine
there always paid out
when you used dimes
so we played all our dimes,
came back next day played more dimes,
maybe 3rd day maybe not,
hard to remember,
but next time we came,
it was gone.

Told brother Cat
the mob had taken the slot machine
out to the desert
and shot it.

– Smith, 6.1.2016


2 Responses

  1. wow.. what a fascinating dream. Dr. Freud would have fun with that one.

    You have much more interesting dreams than I do.
    One thing I like about dreams is things can happen there that can’t happen when you are awake.

    No rules or most rules we know seem not to matter.

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