Christmas day was a bitter cold snow storm, and Doug, the free-range neighborhood cat, let us know he might be willing to move inside with us, which no can be done due to our own cat and dog and the fact that a feral cat would spray our place with cat piss to mark his territory.

So Lady spent a couple hours creating a Doug house for him. Took duct tape, a large cardboard box, put insulating cardboard forms under it to get it off the cold wood, added bubble wrap, wrapped it all in plastic sheeting, and added a wool blanket.

Took it out, showed Doug, he put his head in the front slot to inspect her work, then climbed in and spent the next two days of freezing temperatures in it. I’d put bowls of catfood in the box for him.

Don’t know if he’s still using it or not, but it was a right fine Christmas gift that may have saved him… and definitely eased my guilt of leaving a life form out in the freeze.

So Lady’s cat house was gift to cat, her, and me.

(quickly stopped leaving catfood out for him because it was attracking the mange-crazed coyote)

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