Smith poems November 2024
2024.11.2 – He’s an old dog
2024.11.3 – Laying back in bath
2024.11.6 – Politics 116
2024.11.7 – Trump won
2024.11.7 – Warm’s going
2024.11.8 – Who gnosis what’s going on
2024.11.8 – O Great Eye in Sky
2024.11.10 – Beauty in gray rainy day
2024.11.11 – Hi ho here we in sorrow go
2024.11.12 – Going fast around the bend
2024.11.13 – As light slow fades
2024.11.14 – We wanted a smile
2024.11.14 – The continuing deconstruction of me
2024.11.14 – Wife’s out with gal pal
2024.11.15 – Got two cats purring
2024.11.16 – Walking through this wonderland
2024.11.17 – Atlas had to be of Turtle Clan
2024.11.19 – New
2024.11.20 – I’m losing some male-ness
2024.11.21 – Bad day slow turning okay
2024.11.21 – I’m sorry
2024.11.21 – Sitting between the troubles
2024.11.23 – Lizard Brain want
2024.11.24 – Beams of glass tend to crash
2024.11.28 – I sit half in shadow
2024.11.28 – I wave at my particles
2024.11.29 – Sit down
2024.11.30 – Tired of breaking my bones
~ ~ ~
I’m an old dogwalker
our paths well worn
Each breath
if else
or or else
You want truth
buy used
~ ~ ~
Laying back in bath
in the sweat and the wet
the steady sigh of silence
that’s never silent
hiss now play later
payment due on demand
I know sum of life:
some eat
some are eaten
some starve in between
and yet . . .
this dance from shadow to shadow
makes the motion music
marks it magic
there’s always a silver lining
unless you’re feed
and who knows
that could be the silverest lining of all
the party may start on the other side
~ ~ ~
Politics 116
They skin down time’s lane
self aim by self aim by self aim
skipping blame
in a death of decency
gutting of goodness
killing kind
We work behind enemy lines
~ ~ ~
Trump won
our dog is dying
cat needs $1,300 dental
Of course we ALL die daily
is unsaid said
us dead
Seems name of the game
is avoiding blame
and faking aim
Am I am what I am
from pre-programming jam
or cultural plan?
And what does it matter?
~ ~ ~
Warm’s going
these gorgeous leaves falling
red gold amber brown green
serene our eye and scene
so coming death unseen
until too late
and it’s always too late
which is beautiful
this inevitable
since dirt leads to tree
leads to leaf
leads to dirt
leads to tree
leads to you
leads to me
you see
so . . . ?
~ ~ ~
Who gnosis what’s going on
the best minds are seldom best
cuz like us rest
they want fed fondled and fucked
they want it now
before you
in spite of you
over your dead rotting dying body
your mother’s mesh
and that’s before we flesh
into skin gender sex persuasion
and bad luck truck stuck in reverse
There’s a rapist at the wheel
doing dirty deal
don’t matter what we feel
this is real
~ ~ ~
O Great Eye in Sky
such splendor you supply
to minuscule I
autumn gold gleam
against dying summer green
pure mind candy
I know tomorrow
no rose garden promise
plenty of thorns
cat love dog need
and wife here plead
I heed
~ ~ ~
Beauty in gray rainy day
you can wear sadness walking wet
streets alone
just rain
no tear
not here
not there
many masks for sadness
madness too
~ ~ ~
Hi Ho here we in sorrow go
to lower lows
in nasty new scenario
Hats off to all you cahoots
inmates running loose
outside wall in pinstriped suits
dangling lies
cruel ooze wetting whys
skins so thin
quartered by your counting bins
legislating hers from hims
your sures sure made dim
as wrong we go
below below
in Way-Back Crap again
Square tires
rusted rims
funeral pyres
Strange you keep squeezing
after we’re dry
as if our dead could hurt
How’ve you survived so long?
Is this the fit of fittest?
~ ~ ~
Going fast around the bend
faster than we’re meant, my friend
and while this may not be the end
we’re getting there
Fat-suited schmuck in plastic hair
ass-breath trailing everywhere
farts in faces of the fair
baring coming trend
The fat getting fatter
thin grinning in unfair it
the mad seem madder
taking circle to square it
Somewhere, maybe, things make sense
but not, I fear, here
rich to rich commence dispense
ass-ending ending nears
~ ~ ~
As light slow fades
in its daily day dusk night dance
some lizard brain pain eases
and quiet begins
lessens stress
eases quease
prepares the underbrush
and its capitalists
for the rending of night flesh
“listen to my children
do they not make beautiful music?”
~ ~ ~
We wanted a smile
so went a lookin’
walked many a mile
good foot a hoofin’
scoured the land
searched the sky
found bad and bland
nary a why
so motored more
on through the queasy
saw corporate whores
nada pleased me
though ugly got big
I found sparks
to continue my gig
on through the darks —
a father hugging son
mom daughter laughter
another helping one
building better after
I know we eat flesh
kill to survive
but there’s finer mesh
for better life
cuz we’re headin’ nowhere
need pie in sky
which may be a lie
cuz we’ll never go there
still needs to be tried
so dudesses and dudes
I don’t mean to be rude
you’re blighting my fair
your morals crude
dogs hurt
fish feel pain
don’t make worse worse
work for gain
(this cliche brought to you by
simpleton in moral desperation)
~ ~ ~
The continuing deconstruction of me
down to 3 teeth
went in for cleaning with 4
new hole in head
oozing red
waiting pain spill fill
for flesh
money drain hurts more
best not get me mad
I might gum you into submission
~ ~ ~
Wife’s out with gal pal
me home, hole in head
Went to clean 4 teeth
came back with 3
hole in one less one
soon leaves none
fortunately for me
they’re on my right side
so when I hit those prison lights
and the brown suits scream
I’ll yell
“No worry, see my teeth?
They’re all right winged!”
and they’ll cheer
wave me on
I hear if you kiss their ring
they’ll let you do anything
~ ~ ~
Got two hands going
two cats purring
glory glowing in the night
~ ~ ~
Walking wary through this wonderland
of the bold and bland
see great and not so grand master plan
of Master Planner-lessness
in near and now
so check soles for remnant of pets
your armpits just in case
cuz this high cultural stench
comes from somewhere
and though it ain’t us
it’s us
What can I say?
I’m one of you
Watch them building house there
funeral driving here
it’s the old round-a-bout
you can check in
but we’re checking you out
~ ~ ~
Atlas had to be of Turtle Clan
cuz world rests on the back of a turtle
on top of a 2nd turtle
plopped atop a 3rd
on 4th
and so forth
until total turtle all the way down
turtle belly on turtle back
down down down on through the clowns
in awesome shell game
gotta say
it ain’t all play
cuz it hurts
the world really really hurts
it’s so big
my back small
didn’t sign up for this
sign said
take happy lap around track
hold whole world on your back
on your back
on your back
elevated escalator going down
hurdle after hurtle
and at bottom of course
there’s always some hurdy gurdy man
in a bad comb-over
searching for his organ
hope he has a magnifying glass
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
I’m losing some male-ness
thank goodness
woman walked by in tight slacks
lizard brain looked
saw she was walking a dog
brain shifted to dog
and she was gone
I analyze folk by their kids
art, books, music, pets, worry wrinkles
dog was happy
tight slacks might be okay
She judged me by not seeing me
happens when you’re old
and don’t look dangerous
Little do they know
~ ~ ~
Bad day slow turning okay
fake blood real fears
tear down way year after years
yesterdays seep today
creep around act clown
wonder when the doing goes down
in this fast fool shuffle
one foot suffers
other foot learns
seeking funny stuff to lighten room
though me still here worth laugh
(not worthless)
without decent genes
stubbornness laughter lotta luck
~ ~ ~
I’m sorry
you’re in the system
you have a number
things go in lines
slow lines
long lines
forever lines perhaps
but lines are lines
numbers are numbers
and sequence my friend is sequence
time flies like a rotting banana
is relative
and you are not related
~ ~ ~
Sitting between the troubles
here in dark
tree house
fireplace going
cat purring
wife working art
sleep coming for coffee morning
this now now that now then
which makes one wonder
when does now begin
where does it end
do we get points for participating
are we all on same team
what’s our choices
where the reward
or do we be used merchandise
returned without receipt
to old bargain bins
slow fondled
we need answers
whatever now is
so be here now
or not
no matter
sorry to have mentioned it
see ya later
back in trouble bounce
~ ~ ~
Lizard Brain want
Lizard Brain get
gimmie gimmie
~ ~ ~
Beams of glass tend to crash
unless inspired under
Old ran out
here is now
always here
always now
there’s no mother where
or other when to be
I am counter of the countless
token toker on the board
Page is blank
ink is dry
as am I
And not
for never
Too much moisture on my mind
~ ~ ~
I sit half in shadow
half in who knows
no idea on the rest
Some say sun
some say sour runs the hour
sum ply sum
The nature of the game
is aim
and blame
With occasional bloom
to lighten gloom
now darkening room
~ ~ ~
I wave at my particles
am particular about my wave
unless I guess scene seen
as give gives to gave
in collapse
You can check into The Quantum Motel
check out often every time
Cockroaches and The Elite
eat at your head
demand to be fed
Eat eat eat eat
beats the heart
runs the meat
cat alive and dead
until beheld
Or so I see
~ ~ ~
Sit down
out at in-laws
glance at jukebox
“My God Has A Telephone”
is playing
what’s God’s phone number?
is it long distance?
there Angelic Muzak on Hold?
must be some serious Call Waiting
I’d guess you best not spam
and just imagine the phone bill
~ ~ ~
Tired of breaking my bones
bleeding flesh rip
at least I’m not alone
have companion for trip
She keeps me going
stiffens back
shapes growing
steadies track
Lord knows my cost
must empty her purse
without her I’m lost
in long line of worse
Or dead
no longer hurt
less dread
pure desert
For party may start
when flesh dropped
beatless heart
fresh hell stopped
After all what’s ahead
except cockroach and glitter
worms in your head
and no babysitter
~ ~ ~