
Be here now, O eyes unseen, O ears unearned.

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We’re looking to mingle with creative artist/poet/writer types. If you would like to host us for a week or so, we’d love to stay with you.

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ArtCrimes needs cash.

I’d like to print more publications, but unless we recover more of the cost of printing, we’ll have to stop. If you are interested in helping us to print future art and poetry publications, please support us by purchasing ArtCrimes issues from

Thank you,


3 Responses

  1. Hey Smith and Lady K! I;ve had passing emails with you for a few years now and I would love to get a chance to meet you when I come to Oaxaca over the next couple of weeks. I’m going to be staying with a friend in San Pablo Etla from Weds. June 18th until July 2nd. I’ve long admired your art, photography, blog and life philosophies in general. Have a feeling we’d all get along like gangbusters. (Although we won’t bust the gang, unless there purpose is insuffiently revolutionary, I daresay.) So let me know if you’d like to get together and how to reach y’all once I’m there.

    Your big fan and hopefully future friend-


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