Poetry Month Poems – Lady’s #19


Flying saucer groups, crystals,
Japanese dolls using tachyon phones on hedge funds
big bunches of syllables spilled like pickup stix games
on abstract, unproven foundations for theoretical esoterica
held up like talismens by us primates

So many things
I just throw my hands up in the air about
unless I can get my hands down into them like
an engineer tinkering with ABC wood blocks
a diamond cutter parsing chaff from reduction

Also for me
bird calls mingling with melodies
messes of bees, bees floating on whatever
the label of their cause is, whatever it is,
I call it all God and they are a whole bunch
of buzzing blessings

cartesian, and not–
a diver swimming in
the manifest

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady #18


We saw elaborate ruffs
as necessary accoutrements
puff pastry crenelations banked
on the rebar of our labor like the
capacitance of shelves for sundries
on sepia of sadirons in
Sears ads

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady #17


The cash in salads
radicchio, arugula, kale, bibb
lettuce like tender, supple currency
vehicle for seasoning and
surface, fresh relish
of spring

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady’s #15


Silk Road

Years and years ago
doled out like measures of distance
over time, copper rainshowers of paisas
spilling over wild silk, syncretic blends
of streaming sands, roses
and fruitwood

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady’s #13



We have crossed many rivers
but anywhere a mother’s touch, anywhere
family there is common ground, home and warmth
couches around the family table, nakfa for coffee, nakfa
for tea, coca cola for the ceremony of meals yielded from
work and harvest, bright smiles and shared plates,
same needs, same needs

~ Lady


Poetry Month – Lady #12


Strategic threads
interweaving native culture
and newcomers’ concerns

Mackinaw jackets of three point
blankets in a fusion from there
to here to there and here

Cheerful stripes
and triangles on Pendleton wool
in nuanced palette

Fashion fusion from and for
indigenous and assorted

~ Lady


Poetry Month – Lady’s #10


Stuck in some rut
I lay my rode out to accompaniment
of my narrator’s soliloquy telling the audience
of my mind this is what being adult is,
what being self-sufficient

So I prepare the scope measure by measure
it’ll pull me where I’m going–I put out the hard dinghy,
set the anchor in it, row the rode to my determined vantage
drop the kedge, row back, pull myself to the new place
getting to it with will, with logic, with my ambition,
with whatever, whatever it takes

~ Lady


Poetry Month – Lady # 9


The abracadabra of dancers
in the rainbow of a Mexican hat dance,
or Jacob’s Ladder swirl of transcendental
ecstatic ascent, a bouquet of flowering crowd
or solo lotus sprung from clay, saliva of the lattice
continuous invocations of rays laid open
to suffusive spread of pleasant Spirit

~ Lady