Poetry Month – Lady #8


She don’t stop, she don’t stop
shipping boxes full of love
ICC says keep it coming
and she don’t stop her callin’
shipping boxes full of love

She loves what she does
so she does what she loves
she don’t stop shipping boxes
full of love

What we open’s not Pandora’s
but lights color of our iris–
into homes of om zones
she ships her box of love

Something that we send out
coming back to us refinessed
she don’t stop, she don’t stop
shipping boxes full of love

~ Lady


Poetry Month – Lady’s #7


Tucked in bed
hem’s haem releases yesterday’s

Harp song of sleep
conducts the carrying
of creation
hugging strum

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady #6


Heaven can be here on earth
like Helen Keller and her farouche hands
finding meaning in the tap

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady #5


English Easter Eclogue

Mistle thrush sings to moonlit morning
Arrow spots on its chest, rufous underwings
Scruffy little bird, mistletoe eater

Sacred honeyed breath
Selling the day with sober wakeup call
“Hey man, what’s happening” whistle through
its front teeth

Sheep smelly in the denuded fields
divots of grassy shit under hoof
we have stuff to do before the sun comes up
like milking cows on concrete
even on Easter morning

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – #4 – Lady


Griots say
first there was the silent dance
of Great Roog–the origin and the end–
and his black and white chalkboard abstraction,
the star, Yoonir

Roog wrung word from bell:

Star marked the spot,
made fruit of egg
take shape

Somb seed penetrated swamp
placenta of planet took root
bearer of first on earth
and now…

And now pangools slither
like snakes in the ngaul tree

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady #3


Hermes rides morgensrot dawn with his heralding caduceus
snakes reconcile on a lingham

Geopoliticus Child Watches the Birth of a New Man
hatching from egg, given by goose,
abstracted from yoni

The Good Shepherd Kriophoros carries a lamb
to settle with the assis of a lion, calm heart
insisting red sun to my tangle of amaze

~ Lady


Poetry Month Poems – Lady – #2


Novelty of the humid
the nag champa haven of your dreams
kettuvallams sleep in peaceful Alleppey backwaters,
green sloppy sleep to rhythmic drink of wet
to feral babble of ring-necked parakeets
to drooping eyelashes of palms

It’s just another day of business
for someone

~ Lady


April Poetry Month Poems – #1


Sunlight plays serenade
wealth of land cries mead song
like Starland Vocal Band Afternoon Delight,
honeybirds on powerflowers, acanthus leaf
on corinthian column, splay of lay like spread
of Andrés Segovia Kama Sutra my thumb toe
peeking from bloom of rust dress like Psyche
and you Cupid come of age fat arms
plush in calligraphic detail

~ Lady


Smith & Lady Poems March 2015 – Lady’s #31


Away from the melee, away
from the undertow of the appalling,
the maelstrom of the loathsome,
surf the cosmic way rather

Take the bank of your life to
the here now of corporeality, an odyssey
with you and me, the hero’s journey of art,
cameras in our hands, beginners’ eyes
delighting in novelty, so many maiden voyages,
riddles like rooms of zoomorphic fish canoes
oared by crews from shadowy odeums,
neighbors and friends

The fish is not your mother
but embrace the story – maybe she is
your mother, echoes of time, tide lapping us,
sated travelers startling awake like from
the twirling skirt of our lake’s wet tongue

~ Lady


Smith & Lady Poems March 2015 – Lady’s #30


I want to walk with the
assurance of the up down shoulders of a cat
paw by paw from tranquil recess of my soul’s
best urge intent as clear as the ticking of a tap box
an ytterbium clock a minuetto of clicking tongue
articulated in the thicket a golden needle
embroidering the tapestry of canopy
with honed letter, the dulcimer
of my love

~ Lady