foto by smith

she’s the dicapilly circuit of my picadilly circus
stipple me mama, a stitch at a time

no news or thoughts – hosting our friends from poland. fusing our flow to their’s. we’re done with africa while they’ve just begun – they’re continuing on down to mid-africa mali. lady and i leave essaouira in 4 days for 4 final nights in marrakech – then it’s 7 weeks london, 4 weeks france, then back to the dreaded u.s.a. after 14 month absense. by then, america will be just another new foreign country to visit, observe, taste, blog about. tired of traveling, but dread stopping.

my mom who lived and created art with me the last 16 years of her life died 2 years 2 days ago. i spent the next two & a half months alone in my dark cave lit solely by red&green neon and the soft cool blue glow of computer screen, writing some of my best short non-fiction ever. then lady walked into my life. month later she moved into my life. week later we decided to move to europe. spent next 10 months getting out of town.

uSa Vs TeRrOr Vs MeN vErSuS wOmEn Vs RaCe Vs EdUcAtIoN
the u.s. war of terror seems to be working.
according to the State Department:
2003 had 175 terrorist attacks world wide
2004 had 655 terrorist attacks world wide
2005 had 11,000 terrorist attacks world wide
2006 had 14,000 terrorist attacks world wide
(doesn’t count attacks against u.s. soldiers in Iraq,
doesn’t count u.s. attacks on other countries).

as for the war between women & men in the u.s.a. . . .

29% of men have 15 or more female sexual partners in a lifetime
9% of women report having sex with 15 or more men

11% of never-married adults remained chaste
96% of adults have had sex

16% of adults first had sex before age 15
15% abstained from sex until at least age 21

17% of men had 2 or more sexual partners in the past year
10 % of women had 2 or more sexual partners in the past year

25% of women had one partner in their lifetime
17% of men had one partner in their lifetime

median number of lifetime female sexual partners for men was seven
median number of male partners for women was four

26% of men have tried street drugs (not including marijuana) in their life
17% of women have tried street drugs (not including marijuana) in their life
7% of men had done so within the past 12 months
4% of women had done so within the past 12 months

23% of whites used street drugs
18% of blacks used street drugs
16% of mexican-americans used street drugs

Adults who were married or had more than a high school education
were less likely to use street drugs than others

– from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey based on data collected from 1999 to 2002 for the National Center for Health Statistics, a branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

foto by smith

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