Trump’s desperate to open the country for business because his reelection depends on how well folk are financially.

It’ll be counter-productive… and ugly.

By opening too soon, the virus will rebound stronger and larger, and many more people of all political persuations and financial straits will die enmass – which will both reduce his base by death and piss off the survivors.

The first wave of the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 3 to 5 million people… then people got tired of taking precautions, returned to business, and the second wave killed 20 million people.

(Wikipedia says “The death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million”).

All Trump and his 1% will accomplish is mass death, loss of confidence in both business and government, and financial chaos – all of which will make his reelection chances even worse.

He’ll be killing folk for no reward.

Looks like it’s lose-lose for Trump no matter what he does.

Which is win-win for those who survive.

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