6-25-2016 Lady Poem

Learning’s germ for fertilizing
eyes and ears, a head a heart, a hand,
a pen’s milt on action’s platform,
and it goes around again

~ Lady

Lady Poem 6-21-2016

The drumming of my feet as I run
heats my blood, pumps my oxygen,
syncs my thought, my strategies to live,
so many strategies –

During planned time with the universe on my couch
I recalibrate, I seek to meet the ideals of my ethos
a breeze comes through the window
I taste serenity in my head
I release myself into being held

Here I am this me and we are we
wrapped in thought and sensation

Out there a nebula looks like
the Madonna and Child, a calm commentary
painted in vast matter and light

~ Lady

Lady Poem 6-20-2016

Odd lots of tertiary things
happenings dress the vast black
of my interior thought
the ornamented particulars
of my life

Hanging over the elaborate taffrail
purposed rosaries are plucked
from musical notes
bounding a watery surface

Decorations of devotion
scapulars draped from necks shush
and listen to soaring responsories

~ Lady

Lady Poem 6-15-2016

A bit like a nun up from
clean starched sheets worshiping
royal yellow emperor sun unfolding
its robes into the new day to the
plunking strum of Eralio Gill’s harp
somewhere out there a rose garden
in here blessed routine looking out our
green window I write poems, I visit my own home
live my canon law, the right to gently
carpe diem calmly ignore the coaxing
traffic whooshing outside which
wants me bureaucratic
quickly washed and frantic

I’ll sit in a breakfast lifestyle while
husband clinks ceramic plates on the table
and shuffles his slippers on the slate floor

My eyes are fresh in the homeland
perpetual novelty of butter
jam honey on toasted bread

~ Lady

Lady Poem 6-14-2016

Letting go of chattering nattering
ears looking between zen hands

The effulgence of
cool breath like a draught of water
makes one glad to be alive

Preparation’s packthread, sure, like
putting a saddle on my horse
or taking time with my shoelaces
while space reaches into my skin
and I notice the odyssey

~ Lady

June 13 2016 Lady Poem

Incense answering a yearning
to fill here now with palpable
this volume, my space decorated
in the land that harbors me

I read of Vicuna, Chile
and persimmon marmalade, kaki –
avocado on a breakfast table
validation – thoughts of the native –
wishing to be native – and traveler –
within, within, so valid

Brown men in cowboy hats
and women in bowlers

I’m braided in
my own land here in the Americas but how
here, incense, fruit, text and
alchemist moments

~ Lady

Lady Poem 6/12/2016

Stars pin sky to night
burled newels spiraling
descendants of remnants

The here now recalls
cuevas de las manos dreaming

~ Lady

Lady Poem 6-10-2016

stars serene
stare from there
if half empty or half full
impersonal or personal
like probity’s reaching measure
they witness stance
and song of

June 5, 2016 Lady Poem

Indigenous spirits of the woods
this sacred land

A squirrel holding a parcel
black shadows between his
competent furry fingers
the creatureness of
his philtrum, the
cleft of his nose

A chipmunk like a minnow
stopped on the shallows on a log, in pause
from shivering slits of her nares
to the stripes of her quivering
tail tip

I can get the meaning if I really
want – how do I know I’ve
got it, though

~ Lady

Lady Poem 6/2/2016

Sometimes I would just like a light rusk
dipped into black coffee
to pause and not do anything
not even meditate
in this early morning space
communion with simplicity
sans any ideas about it

~ Lady