
Status Report 193

Ten years married
to the sweetest prize
I ever tried to lose

I wanted to be alone
in my twentieth year of celibacy
and she was way too young

My unwelcome mat
said GO AWAY in large letters
as she knocked my door

Finally gave in
knowing it couldn’t last
tried the ride

Ten years later
no one doing it better
we still walk as one

In what is but beginning

– Smith, 3.18.2016

We were married by a witch in the afternoon 10 years ago, and that evening hosted a group poetry reading at the benefit auction for the 25th Street Book Store at the punkish Inside Outside Gallery in the end of the building, then afterward invited the poets and artists and audience up to our studio for a wedding celebration party.


One Response

  1. Hey, did you two meet at the WHAT NOT COFFEE shop on Waterloo in Collinhood?
    for some reason that comes to mind…(might be wrong) …I know you had just done the nude landscape spread that weekend… I think… once again, I should not say KNOW when memory all fuzzy…regardless, congrats to you two…

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