Daily Digest – Sunday, Nov. 20 – Toward the Sky

Mayors Conspired to Close Occupy Wall Street Encampments * Today’s (Sunday’s) Events * Please Speak out Against Violence Against Dogs, Arrests and Other Inappropriate Actions in NY * Recap Links * Important Movement Needs Raised 11/15-11/17 * Possible Community Meetings with Police * Call for Help with Winter Occupation Quarters, Volunteers and Food * Call for Help to Stop Garbage Incinerator * Fresh Facilitators WantedUpcoming Events of NoteMeetings / WAGsCurrent Haves and NeedsMore Reading / Links * Call for Information

Weekend Schedule: Today’s Events; 3PM GA (General Assembly); 8-10 PM Entertainment; 10 PM-2 AM Night Shift #1; 2-6 AM Night Shift #2;  Upcoming Events; Stuff happens continuously in the NW Quadrant of Public Square 24/7.

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Marches, interviews and more!

NOTE to readers: I am posting this here today as the OccupyCleveland site is undergoing maintenance. – Lady

Mayors Conspired to Close Occupy Wall Street Encampments

From Snippets from the article with embedded contact info throughout. Suggestion: call and politely ask that freedom of speech, assembly and the innate freedom to work together long term to solve problems (which means sleeping overnight in tents and communal situations sometimes) be respected by people who are mayors and people who are police.

In an interview with the BBC Tuesday, Oakland mayor Jean Quan said that she had coordinated her efforts to crack down on the occupation with the mayors of other major cities.

“I was recently on a conference call with 18 cities across the country who had the same situation where what had started as a political movement and a political encampment ended up being an encampment no longer in control by the people who started them,” said Ms. Quan.

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Oakland contact info:
Mayor: (510) 444-2489
Police: (216) 625-5011

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On Tuesday evening, police indiscriminately sprayed large bottles of pepper spray into a peaceful demonstration in downtown Seattle. The victims included an 84-year-old woman, a priest, and a pregnant woman who was sent to the hospital as a result. An Associated Press photo of 84-year-old Dorli Rainey with her face covered in pepper spray

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Seattle contact info:
Call the Mayor’s reception desk at (206) 684-4000
Police: (206) 684-2489

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The same night, five people were arrested in Pittsburgh and charged with defiant trespass, failure to disperse and obstruction of roadways.

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Pittsburgh contact info:
Mayor: 412-255-2626
Police: (412) 323-7800

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Police cleared out Occupy San Diego at 2 a.m. Wednesday morning, arresting 9 people.

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San Diego contact info:
Mayor: (619) 236-6330
Police: (619) 531-2000

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Police likewise raided a portion of the Occupy San Francisco encampment Wednesday morning, arresting seven people and dismantling 15 tents.

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San Francisco contact info:
Mayor: (415) 554-6141
Police: 415-553-0123

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Tuesday’s clearing of Zuccotti Park, in which 200 people were arrested, was only the most prominent in a string of crackdowns in dozens of cities.

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NY contact info:
Mayor: 212-639-9675
Police: 212-334-0611

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On Sunday, police cleared a camp in Portland, Oregon, arresting 50 people.

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Portland contact info:
Mayor: (503) 823-4120
Police: 212-334-0611

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Today’s (Sunday’s) Events

In addition to our regularly scheduled weekday events, here are some special events that are happening today! Lots to do! Unless otherwise noted, events are in NW Quadrant (Tom Johnson/Free Speech Quadrant) of Public Square or nearby in the white tent area. More upcoming events after today are here…

Sun., Nov. 20 @ 11 AM
Keeping Warm & Signs and Symptoms of Hypothermia Workshop

For everyone who is interested, especially if you spend a lot of time outside, this Sunday, November 20th, at 11am, First Aid WG will be having a Workshop on the following topics: Keeping Warm & Signs and Symptoms of Hypothermia and Frost Bite. Talking points will be on Clothing: What to wear, how often to change certain garments (ie socks, gloves), laundering the wet stuff; Hypothermia: how to avoid it, figure out if this is happening to any of our members, what to do in case it is. With winter virtually upon us, the wind picking up, and people who may plan to continue to occupy outdoors, please show up, and let anyone who is not in the online group know!

Community Outreach WAG
Next Mtg. Sun., Nov. 20 @ 1 PM * Alternating Saturdays and Sundays * PLEASE NOTE CHANGED MEETING VENUE
Coordination with groups to help grow the movement. We are meeting at the Root Cafe in Lakewood, 15118 Detroit Ave. 11/5 meeting notes. Outreach email: occupyclevelandoutreach (_at symbol_)


Formal forum at NW corner of Public Square or in white info tent west of this area. At this assembly, proposals and announcements are made. This is where consensus items are decided.

Direct Action WAG * Every day after GA (7 PM Weekdays, 4 PM Weekends) * NOTE CHANGED TIME

Coordination of Direct Action communication and initiatives. Wed., Nov. 2 Mtg Notes.

10 PM – 2 AM and 2 AM – 6 AM Evening Shifts

Please sign up at the white tent for an evening shift so that we can maintain effective occupancy overnight and relieve people who are overburdened. Dress extremely warmly with lots of layers and bring appropriate gear to keep yourself warm.

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Toward The Sky

Tonight as I write I sing songs
Of soulful bliss extended into storm
The night where i was born
Again as I just became woman
I lived life like I knew you, and I knew
That all these little prayers were for each star handed to me as I spoke of you
Get this world in your hand
And take cover as they attempt to hold back tears
They know they are on the wrong side of justice
Hold on, hold on to your heart and let if fly
Toward the sky
Feel the depth of the planet in your stomach
And sincerely, eagerly participate

Let it all go, let the ‘I know I should’ be replaced
By ‘I can create a new day’.
We have a voice, we have our hand,
We can lift them up to say ‘no more’.
The life I lead can turn hate into pixie dust
Shaken from the palms of children
Onto the ground before you as you stand
With your weapons in hand
Ready to fight progress and truth

The restlessness is white noise silenced
life and faces of innocence triggered sadness
Cold nails drilled souls like yesterday
When the door we opened was abruptly
Shut in our face, our palms reached out to sky
Again to seek guidance
justice whispers her breathless allegiance
Intake coming from our soul, we will no longer
Bail out news, government thinned out like
Hair on a presidents brow, like those taken
From homes, foreclosed, we have foreclosed
Upon ourselves, our ability to speak has
ripped out like rugs under faceless dictators
Those that seek to destroy restoration, take notice.
We have come. We have arrived to ourselves
Like a new day has dawned its fresh face
On our existence. We say goodnight, we let
The moon rise and the light fall onto itself
We end this day with hope.
A new day will be born tomorrow
In the earths womb, she will carry our sorrow
Toward her core, embrace it and hold it close
To her heart. We will be carried by song birds
Facing new mornings, yes, new mornings they have come
To greet us with their hands held out.

– Shelly Gracon-Nagy

Please send poetry submissions to occupyclevelandpoetry (_at symbol_)

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Please Speak out Against Violence Against Dogs, Arrests and Other Inappropriate Actions in NY

Update: some are uncertain if the killings of the dogs actually occurred as it has not been widely reported. The NYPD killed 2 dogs, clubbed them in tents. Pepper sprayed another NY sanitation worker while sorting debris of camp. Poured “pee bottles” on the majority of library. They managed to save a few hundred (there were approx. 5,400), all tech found in camp was smashed, spent 6 hours prepping 300+ “post jail kits,” many beaten today… Over 30K on Brooklyn Bridge today. ~Reliable source in NYC~

Another source: over 300 people were arrested yesterday in NY.

Please call or email the mayor of New York at 212-639-9675, email: il/html/mayor.html, and/or call the NYPD at 646-610-5000 and respectfully request that the Occupy Movement be tolerated and respected by the city and people who are police and for it to be allowed to persist easily. You can also go to and send a fax to the Mayor’s office! (212) 788-8123.

More #’s:
NY Governor Cuomo: 518-474-8390
NYPD 1st Precinct: 212-334-0611
NYPD 5th Precinct: 212-334-0711
NYPD 6th Precinct: 212-741-4811
NYPD 7th Precinct: 212-477-7311
NYPD 9th Precinct: 212-477-7811

Recap Links

Please post Saturday’s notes. Friday’s notes from memory, Wednesday livestream GA, Tuesday’s GA Notes – Thank you for posting! New notekeepers: please post GA notes in forum

11-17 march in support of Occupy Wall Street
11-17 rally in support of Occupy Wall Street

New! Media Wiki:

Recent proposals –
11-16 forum proposal: consolidation of social media accounts
11-15 forum proposal/GA result: letters to mayor & council; modification of Good Neighbor Agreement; no secret meetings; proposal presented to yesterday’s (Tuesday’s) GA and looks like parts of proposal are going to be worked on some more.
11-14 GA raised proposal: “Occupy the Food Bank” day – sent tentatively to Outreach WAG for thought
11-14 GA raised proposal: Community meetings with police- sent to Gov/Legislative WAG for thought
11-14 GA raised proposal: Nov. 26th Holiday Ceremony signage/handouts – sent to Outreach, Media, Direct Action WAGs for thought

Interesting Threads
11-17 thread by Cummins asking for list of contact info on website
11-17 thread about Roadway permit signatories (need for) and heat.
11-15 thread about individual visions of Occupy
Discussions about winter occupation solutions in Occupy Cleveland Non-violently Facebook Group

Important Movement Needs Raised 11/15 – 11/17

  • Help with laundry
  • Boots (mens size 10 to 11), flashlights, long underwear, hats, gloves, socks, prepared foods, easy nonprepared foods, plastic dishware, rubber gloves, meat, coffee, walkie talkies
  • Help with where we are going to be in two weeks – please review
  • Help with Dec. 10 NO CUTS day (RE Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Super Committee) – please review

Possible Community Meetings with Police

From Monday’s GA: “Kevin (the white one) happened to meet Police Commissioner McGrath, who suggested a more regular community liaison approach with Occupy Cleveland, which Kevin offered as a proposal. We discussed it a bit and agreed to refer that to the Government/Legislative Working Group that has been working informally.” –

Call for Help with Winter Occupation Quarters, Volunteers and Food

Currently looking for space between E 30 and W 30 (marching distance to banks and fed are key here) that is accessible 24/7. (Also, should have heat that won’t cost us a fortune). For the most part this means storefronts or office space (maybe in one of than bank buildings so we can occupy the bank?) but if you’ve got another idea that doesn’t look like that don’t let that limit you.

If you know of a space, know someone who might help us out, or just drove by something with a sign outside and feel like calling and checking, we need your help and any information you find.

First Aid needs more volunteers, and Housekeeping and Sanitation need people to help with the tent. We are running out of food and we call for donations.

Call for Help to Stop Garbage Incinerator

We have an environmental justice issue going on here in Cleveland. We have to put the kabash on this insane deal! Some want to burn toxic garbage right near community gardens and tons of schools. Please help stop this whatever way you can!

Fresh Facilitators Wanted

The facilitation group has asked for fresh people to do the facilitation process. Here’s a training video put out by Occupy Wall Street: Interested parties can get in touch with the Facilitation workgroup as well.

Upcoming Events

Events are in the NW Quadrant (Tom Johnson Quadrant) of Public Square unless otherwise noted.

Sun., Nov. 20 @ 11 AM
Keeping Warm & Signs and Symptoms of Hypothermia Workshop

For everyone who is interested, especially if you spend a lot of time outside, this Sunday, November 20th, at 11am, First Aid WG will be having a Workshop on the following topics: Keeping Warm & Signs and Symptoms of Hypothermia and Frost Bite. Talking points will be on Clothing: What to wear, how often to change certain garments (ie socks, gloves), laundering the wet stuff; Hypothermia: how to avoid it, figure out if this is happening to any of our members, what to do in case it is. With winter virtually upon us, the wind picking up, and people who may plan to continue to occupy outdoors, please show up, and let anyone who is not in the online group know!

Mon., Nov. 21
Request from OccupyCincinnati that we Occupy Portman offices, phones, emails, faxes

Wed., November 23 @ 8 PM & recurring every Wednesday
Occupy Womens Group

We aim to create a safe space for woman-identified individuals to discuss ideas and goals on how Occupy Cleveland can incorporate events/direct actions to better demonstrate the movement’s solidarity with women in their struggles. Meeting place: Tower 230 Bar & Grill, 230 W. Huron, Cleveland.

Fri., November 25
Benefit concert for #OccupyCleveland at Phantasy Nightclub in Lakewood

Fri., Nov. 25
Buy Nothing Day

Wed., November 30
Move to Amend Cleveland Meeting

Meeting including film and discussion of Jan. 20, 2012 Occupy the Courts action and campaign to pass resolution to abolish corporate constitutional rights & money as speech. Peace House, 10916 Magnolia Ave., Cleveland.

November Date-time Continuum Slot/Event Name TBD
Theater production(s) RE pertinent topics

Sat., Dec. 10 @ 12 NOON
International Human Rights Day No Cuts! Rally and March

A coalition of community members and organizations (including #OccupyCleveland) are banding together to organize this event to stop the proposed cuts by the Super Committee. Facebook:; forum discussion:

Wednesdays @ 8 PM – 10 PM
Community Drum Circle

Bring your drum to the NW Quadrant (“Tom Johnson Quadrant”) of Public Square Wednesdays at 8.

July 4, 2012
New Continental Congress July 4 in Philadelphia

“WE, THE NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in order to form a more perfect Union, by, for and of the PEOPLE, shall elect a NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY to convene on July 4, 2012, in the City Of Philadelphia.” –

Regular Meetings / WAGs*

WAGS are located in the northwest quadrant of Public Square by the Tom Johnson statue or in the white tent adjacent to the quadrant unless otherwise noted, and all are welcome to come and participate! Please send your meeting/WAG info to occupyclevelandstories (_at symbol_) so that it can be listed here.

Community Outreach WAG
Next Mtg. Sun., Nov. 20 @ 1 PM * Alternating Saturdays and Sundays * PLEASE NOTE CHANGED MEETING VENUE
Coordination with groups to help grow the movement. We are meeting at the Root Cafe in Lakewood, 15118 Detroit Ave. 11/5 meeting notes. Outreach email: occupyclevelandoutreach (_at symbol_)

Occupation WAG * Tuesdays and Thursdays after 6 PM GA
Coordination and research of physical occupation

Tech WAG * Wednesdays 8 PM (_at symbol_), 216 200 6278

Direct Action WAG * Every day after GA (7 PM Weekdays, 4 PM Weekends) * NOTE CHANGED TIME
Coordination of Direct Action communication and initiatives. Wed., Nov. 2 Mtg Notes.

Communication WAG * 1-3 PM Daily Check-ins
Facilitates communication with reps from each group–check in with John between 1-3 PM in Public Square–phone coming.

Foreclosure and Bank Action WAG – Video/Phone Conf * 8 PM Mondays
Concerns ways to brainstorm to change the situation with banks such that banks are held accountable for foreclosure impact on community

Education WAG * Next Mtg. TBA
Coordination of Education / Teach-ins / Scheduling. occupyclevelanded (_at symbol) Meeting Notes from 10/30 on Ed Forum (

Theater Subgroup of Arts and Culture WAG * Next Mtg. TBA
Collaborative Theater Meeting
This particular meeting pertains to theater event(s) and other creative actions. We are planning a major creative event in November and we invite poets, artists, singers, musicians, dancers, theater people and anyone interested in participating to come to this planning event Wednesday, which will also be a group collaborative event that will be fun. More details below. occupyclevelandtheater (_at symbol)

First Aid/Housekeeping/Sanitation WAG * Next Mtg. TBA

* WAG: Working/Affinity Group

Check the forums for more info on working groups. There are probably working group meetings that are happening that are not on the above list. Here are some known working groups: Outreach * Phone & Q&A * Arts & Culture * Spirituality * Food * Mission/Vision * Legal * Peacekeeping * Entertainment * First Aid * Sanitation * Nightwatch * Direct Action * Facilitators * Finance * Tech * Logistics * Transportation * Permanent Occupation Base

Current haves and needs

Work, kindness, self-critique, community, patience, persistence, dialogue, peace, rationality, health, equality, empathy, civic support, solidarity, idealism, courage, listening, dialogue, mentoring, participation, calmness, respect, compassion for one another, outreach, ethical banks, small business loans from banks, energy, focus, kindness, wholeness, tolerance, listening, global tribal ethic, fostering leadership in young adults, restoring reverence to older adults, community, focus, patience, lots of love, pride, humility, moving forward, reaching out.

Practically speaking: Boots (mens size 10 to 11), flashlights, long underwear, hats, gloves, socks, prepared foods, easy nonprepared foods, plastic dishware, rubber gloves, meat, coffee, walkie talkies, people to help wash clothes and to help drive people to wash clothes, overnight occupiers to work in shifts in our overnight area–sign up at the tent, particularly the 2 AM – 6 AM shift, water (particularly hot water), very large thermos for hot water, more computer equipment and luxurious hot food made as ethically as you can conveniently or inconveniently muster–especially in the morning when people are cold–and donations.

Other Reading Items/Links of Note

Huffington Post: Occupy Wall Street Groups Protest Foreclosure, Try To Halt Evictions

Mentions Cleveland action mucho!

11-14 Ohio Woman Credits Occupy Cleveland For Saving Her Home

Letter of Support from Dennis Kucinich (10/28)


Recurring Info

Weekday Schedule: Today’s Special Events;  6-7 PM GA; 7 PM Community Chat; 8-10 PM Entertainment; 10 PM-2 AM Night Shift #1; 2-6 AM Night Shift #2; Upcoming Events; Stuff happens continuously in the NW Quadrant of Public Square 24/7

Weekend Schedule: 3PM GA (General Assembly); 8-10 PM Entertainment; 10 PM-2 AM Night Shift #1; 2-6 AM Night Shift #2; Today’s EventsUpcoming Events; Stuff happens continuously in the NW Quadrant of Public Square 24/7.

Info Tent #: (216) 202-4999 | Phone Rules

New Media Wiki:

Call for Information

Dear Readers/Occupiers:

People who are planning events and work groups–please email these events to occupyclevelandstories (_at symbol_) so I can post them rather than having dig and dig every morning through the forums and multiple facebook pages to find these items. It is taking between one to three hours to do this Digest every morning, so emailing info to me will help me get this out more quickly.

Please continue to post GA notes daily in the forum “General Assembly” here: It is vital to post these notes for the larger Occupy community so that we know what items are being consented to and what events are consensus events. Thank you to those who have been posting notes!


The Temporary Editor

What Would You Like to See?

Please mail letters to the editor, story ideas, meeting times, articles, etc. to occupyclevelandstories (_at symbol_) Also, the Daily Digest is having a working group meeting Sunday, 10/30 at noon in the Tom Johnson (NW) quadrant of Public Square. If not right in the quadrant, please check the white tent west of the square.

Call for Poetry/Creative Writing/Art Submissions – we’re looking for poetry seeds from the larger poetry community, again, a great outreach action. We’re putting together an Occupy Cleveland poetry zine and I’d like to feature some creative items in the Daily Digest as well. Please send submissions to occupyclevelandpoetry (_at symbol_)

Thank you to all people who are making information available!

Personal appeal on behalf of the universal, long term and immediate to participate in events today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and the days after that.

Dear Friends New and Old, Family, Artists & Poets…

On behalf of the spirit of compassion, kindness, unity (yet with infinite individual voices), I ask for your help (via direct participation, spreading the word, and/or thinking and meditating) on three events pertaining to two seemingly distinct movements:

1) The Climate Issue, especially at this moment the Keystone XL Pipeline(stopping the building of and very soon, the extraction of oil from tar sands).March and Rally Sunday, 1 pm, starting at CSU.

And please, there’s this event Monday from 6-9 pm near Case Western to help people understand nonviolent civil disobedience (the event Sunday probably does not involve civil disobedience). Even if not planning civil disobedience in the future, if you have a friend or family member who might be, this training is useful because people who do participate in civil disobedience benefit from having help if they are incarcerated.

2) The #OccupyCleveland movement today and/or tonight, Friday, Oct. 21.

Please Occupy Today and/or Tonight. Occuping Tonight helps, as the “permit” for using Public Space is being expired by people who have no actual authority to expire it, as all space is Public Space, particularly Public Square. There is a group of overnight occupiers who need our support as there is the possibility that they might be arrested tonight for civil disobedience. Main events start at 1 p.m. and include food, music, and speakers. At 10 p.m. the curfew at Public Square starts.

And if you are not able to Occupy Public Square tonight (like me), then Occupy Today. And if you are not able to be seemingly physically present in Public Square today, please spread Word. And if you are too shy to spread Word, please think kindly about everyone on the planet.

A value of the Occupy Movement is that it tends to maintain a visible, persistent presence of concern. The people who are actively participating in this presence ask for time and for consideration of the complexity of this unity in which we live. I ask on behalf of you as my friends and acquaintances to please understand that we who identify immediately with the Occupy Movement and who are working for it are working with two main ideals of process which might seem to at first to be opposing poles. The two main ideals of process are individuality and unity. The end results desired are happiness, health and sanity. The intermediate vista involves as much kindness as possible while grappling with complexity and seeming contradictions, such as how does one deal with the concepts of unity and class consciousness simultaneously. The bounds are time and practical deadlines of effective thresholds with respect to particular tangible issues the movement can help.

Fundamentally, at a scientific level, all this that “you” see before you is unity–buzzing unity

We can see ourselves not only as margins, but as centers. We are each at the center of a canvas. We are the centers. We are the center of a moving canvas. Our skins are illusions which trap identity temporarily. Skin is just a focal point for movement of temporary persistence. Fundamentally, we are very much interconnected, very much one. Even if talking about spirituality makes one nervous, one must admit that the human animal is a bundle that extends into the air, into the water, that the human bundle is not so much a bundle as a smear of leaf in rain. That the smear is a pigment dot in a pixelist painting. That the smear is related to all the other smears. That if one opens ears and sees with eyes and remembers and perceives, one can see that the wind of sentiment is a universal wind with currents and eddies and turbulence–or maybe even a river. Many metaphors apply.

Having said all this shtuff, I feel that it is our very real responsibility to deal with the news that a person might have been raped by another person while staying overnight last Saturday night.

I believe in the ideal of truth and transparency, and I believe in full disclosure to an ethical threshold based on faith and reason.

I also believe in appealing to a greater understanding of complexity and human frailty.

I ask for compassion and help.

I ask for compassion and help and I have witnessed much compassion on the part of people who are participating daily and nightly in the Occupy Cleveland movement. I visit the overnighters every morning to bring hot water and sometimes food, and to get news for the daily digest as best I can given the complexities of humans.

I’ve witnessed overnight occupiers give homeless people shelter under the main tent so that homeless people can get out of the wind. I’ve witnessed overnight occupiers helping homeless be part of the movement and regain responsibility and participation.

Tonight is Robert Ritchie a.k.a. Dickhead’s celebration of life service. Smith and I are attending. Robert Ritchie was a friend of Daniel Thompson. Daniel Thompson was intimately involved in humanitarian issues and grappled with complexity. There are metaphors that apply to this situation–some themes: involvement, passion, heart, complexity and simplicity, and life and death. LIVE!

I ask you all, poets and artists, to be part of this movement in a very tangible way. LIVE!

Poets and artists are part of the divine, and a tradition of the divine, and a tradition of being carrier waves and ways of change. Be part of this voice and action, and understand it, and grapple with complexity. LIVE!

This is my personal appeal on behalf of the universal and immediate.

Peace and much love,


Letter to Senator Portman RE Supercommittee Co-Chair Defense Industry Award

Dear Senator Portman:

I’ve just read an article that says Patty Murray, a Supercommittee Co-Chair, received an award from the Defense Industry. As she is partially responsible for the Supercommittee’s recommendations, I find this a bit disturbing and it would seem to lend an air of partiality on her part to the Defense Industry.

I ask you to please help make recommendations for cuts to defense spending rather than cutting discretionary spending, and please encourage your supercommittee members to do the same, especially Patty Murray and John Kyl.

Thank you!


(Article Reference: Supercommittee Co-Chair Patty Murray Accepts Award from Defense Industry As She Mulls Cuts To Pentagon Budget)


Contacting Senator Portman

One can email Senator Portman here…

His Cleveland-area office number is 216-522-7095 and his D.C. number is 202-224-3353.

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Other news:

#OccupyCleveland welcomes people to take part in a march from the Cleveland Free Stamp (Willard Park) to Public Square today at noon. This is in support of the ideas surrounding the Occupy Wall Street movement:

We are the 99%. We are the Americans who wake up every day and go to work in the worst economy since the Great Depression. We have witnessed the slow erosion of America and it’s promises of equal opportunity and equal rights under law. Individuals and corporations whose extraordinary wealth ordinary citizens cannot even begin to comprehend have abused their positions in society and have shown through their actions a complete disregard for the welfare, safety, and stability of their fellow citizens throughout the United States.

Our city, Cleveland, has seen the effects of this disregard. Our factories are closed because their owners would rather draw their labor from brutalized populations living under dictatorships halfway across the world than pay an American a fair wage for a fair day’s work. Our neighborhoods are crumbling as banks file foreclosures on the same sub-prime mortgages they offered with full knowledge to people who could not afford them. Using legal smoke and mirrors these institutions have sought to avoid any accountability for their negligence, fraud, and unethical behavior.

–Occupy Cleveland Press Release, Oct. 3